This innovative layshaft allows you to convert your Kraken Vesla to run Blackbone Baja Spur gears. As this is a new to market car, it will take time for new gearing options to arise, so we thought why not make use of the market leading steel gearing for the HPI Baja!
NB: THE VESLA RUNS 76T TOTAL TOOTH COUNT, SO YOU NEED TO GET THE CORRECT PINION/SPUR, NOT JUST BUY A BAJA SET AS THEY ARE 74T TOTAL. ie Stock Vesla is 19/57 wheres Stock Baja is 17/57. If in doubt, email us, we will try make up Vesla sets asap and add to site.
(to run the Blackbone Baja pinions to match, you need our 54mm or 62mm Blackbone Vesla bells - see other listings)
Machined from HD Stainless Steel for hassle free lifetime usage.